Food Processing In Telangana
Food Processing In Telangana
- Food processing has been identified as one of the 14 thrust sectors for the state in the industrial policy framework of 2014. Currently, Food processing industry in Telangana processes ~25% agri & allied output by value and adds 12.5% in value. Telangana is blessed with a rich agri food raw material base. Based on production data for 2014-15, Telangana is ranked first across the country for production of turmeric and sweet orange. Further, Telangana is a well-accepted leader in poultry and seed business. Moreover, there is huge potential to promote inland fisheries, organized meat processing, greenhouse and exotic vegetable cultivation in the state.
To add value to agro-products and to maintain and expand the existing strengths as well as to partner with the national Food Processing Mission, there is a need to encourage this sector. To take this further, there are numerous subsidies, policies and schemes that the state has introduced to support the sector. As of today, there are 4 major food park projects worth~ 492 Cr, 7 integrated cold chain projects worth ~208 Cr, 20 NMFP projects worth ~108 Cr in the state
Organizational structure

Jayesh Ranjan, IAS
Special Chief Secretary to Government
(FP & MSME)., Industries & Commerce Dept.,
Government of Telangana.